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Crisis in US-Russian space partnership?


Future Space Efforts Don't Have to Look Like the Past
By Jim Oberg, NBC NEWS -- April 8 2014, 6:58 PM 

U.S. vs. Russia: Why the Space Station Will Survive the Storm
By Jim Oberg, NBC NEWS -- April 4 2014, 3:05 PM 

Russia Crisis Raises Space Station Questions, But NASA Has Options
By Jim Oberg, NBC NEWS -- March 3 2014, 11:57 AM

iTWire - James Oberg: Straining U.S.-Russian partnership in space? 
By  William Atkins 

Mar 6, 2014 .. Russian space expert Oberg talks about this “space marriage”.
My interview last week with CCTV-Beijing, an NBC News partner, has finally been put on line here.

REMINDER: My mid-2012 assessment of problems facing Russia’s space program – and in hindsight it was too optimistic even then, with new failures in the ‘Bulava’ missile and in the space sector. The reformer Popovkin himself was fired and replaced for being unable to stem the tide of debacles.

James OBERG: “Russia Must Choose: Low Tech or High?”
NY TIMES //  February 3, 2013

"With the arrival of a new team of spaceflight players, and with the U.S. and Europe already transitioning to a new generation of space access hardware, Russia’s dominant position in “spacelift” – meaning big rockets – looks more and more like a blind alley. Far-sighted Moscow space experts have expressed concern that Russia has boxed itself in as a low-tech truck driver for other nations’ payloads, which then are performing the commercial space services where the real money is. "


REMINDER: 10/01/2008 – James Oberg at MSNBC.com:
US-Russian Space Partnership Works as Reluctant Co-Dependence


06/28/2010 – James Oberg at MSNBC.com:
The right and wrong stuff for space cooperation

"The surprisingly heart-warming result is that for this project, the internationalist choice — including the Russian role — was the correct one, but for all the wrong reasons. " 


SEE ALSO “Star-Crossed Orbits” [2001] Chapter 19 -- Future Orbits

I wrote: "Mutual interdependence could still lead to productive cooperation and fruitful results." And it seems to have happened that way.




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